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Pocket Guide to Advocacy


To view the following video clips, please click the title of the video.
Profiles of employees in the community.

An Alberta company receives public acknowledgement for its commitment to employing individuals with intellectual disabilities as one of Canada's 50 best managed companies.

Follow this link for more video clips.


Inclusion Alberta has current subscriptions to several professional Journals, Magazines and Newsletters that are kept in the Reg Peters Library in the Edmonton office. These journals are available to the public for lending.


Click here to download a copy of the complete three part series on IQ testing.IQ Testing: A critique for parents of children with intellectual disabilities by Bruce Uditsky.


Darrell Cook Family Managed Supports Resource Centre

The Resource Centre is named in honour of Darrell Cook, a committed advocate who passed away in 2010. They assist Alberta families in becoming directly involved in managing services and supports for their family member with intellectual disabilities through the Family Managed Supports (FMS) is a funding option.

Reg Peters Library

You can now access the complete online database of resources available to the public for lending through the Reg Peters Library. They have books, journals, magazines and other resources available.

Online FMS Guide

Family Managed Supports (FMS) enables individuals and families to hire and direct their own staff in supporting a good life.


Inclusion Alberta is here to help you with the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) and the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)

Government Links

Government of Canada Homepage

Alberta Hansard - Alberta Legislative


Alberta Government Homepage

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Our Mission

Inclusion Lloydminster inspires and connects our community to be stronger because of the contribution of people with intellectual disabilities.

©2020, Inclusion Lloydminster. All Rights Reserved.

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